This is just a trifle, but I want to note it.
Last month, I reposted something I wrote in 2010 about Philip K. Dick's more esoteric experiences, and his beliefs concerning the interrelation between his fiction and his reality. I then went on to talk about an unpublished novel I had written which uncannily predicted many events in my life:
"...the book has accurately predicted many events in my life. That's not bullshit: it really has predicted this stuff. I mean like: the name of the man I am going to marry, specific people I ended up meeting, particular situations in detail, stuff like that. As such, I began to wonder if the book was meant to be published at all, or was it just some sort of weird prefiguring of the years to come? Was it just a personal guide for myself?"
Well, recently my husband purchased the services of a professional artist to illustrate the cover of Part One of the book; and encouraged me to finish editing it and get it turned into an e-book. So I spent the early part of this week digging deep within the material and editing it; and the book is now back in "play."
At the same time this has been going on, I've been experiencing the most uncanny synchronicities related to the book. In short; I'm having events happen in my life that mirror (in lesser form, but with specific connecting details) those of the novel; in sequence, yet!
While I was noting these syncs in my journal, I was also watching "The Muppet Movie," and I finally realized how "meta" it is -- there is a copy of the movie script floating around in the story, and characters read what is happening and consciously note what they "need" to say or do.
It is all quite odd; but yet I feel the syncs are, at the very least, a sign that I'm on the right track as to finally getting this book off the ground.
In a further PKD sync as I write this, I've just watched a scene in the "Tim & Eric Chrimbus special" in which an apparently psychic character communicates with a girl through a pink telepathic lightbeam directly into her forehead:
Compare to PKD's VALIS (emphasis mine):
"VALIS has been described as one node of an artificial satellite network originating from the star Sirius in the Canis Major constellation. According to Dick, the Earth satellite used "pink laser beams" to transfer information and project holograms on Earth and to facilitate communication between an extraterrestrial species and humanity. Dick claimed that VALIS used "disinhibiting stimuli" to communicate, using symbols to trigger recollection of intrinsic knowledge through the loss of amnesia, achieving gnosis."