The trailer for the post-apocalyptic film "Oblivion," starring Tom Cruise, has recently been released. Some quick observations and syncs here:
The first shot is of a burned-out (American) football stadium: "the last Superbowl was played here." It's immediate all-seeing eye imagery to kick things off; not necessarily sinister symbolism, but definitely one that activates our subconscious. Also spontaneously brings to mind "The Dark Knight Rises":
Football = "American Way Of Life."
Then we have a scene of Cruise's character, Jack Harper (check out Sync Whole for more info on connection between Cruise and "Jacks"), with a dog. This reenacts the Fool tarot card, indicating that Harper is unknowingly setting out for a new adventure, and really does not know what is truly "going on.":
At this point in the writing of the post, I am called upstairs to accompany members of my family to a visit to a pool hall called "Fast Eddie's". Of course, "Oblivion" star Cruise co-starred in "The Color of Money," a film about pool featuring the character Fast Eddie Felson:
When I get to Fast Eddie's, our two tables are positioned in front of large framed photos of football and baseball stadiums:
And, of course, there's tons of football playing everywhere.
Back to the trailer: the next scene is of a ship flying past the ruins of a skyscraper: "60 years ago, the Earth was attacked" -- stirs up latent 9/11 fear/symbolism. Again: "American way of life" threatened:
Now we move from 9/11 fear to recent Hurricane Sandy fear, as Cruise puts on a New York Yankees hat and we hear him say: "Everyone's been evacuated." Yankees = NY = evacuated = hurricane. Yankees = American Way Of Life.
He then has a little plant sample next to him, subliminally recalling the movie WALL-E -- this point is further driven home by his words: "...nothing human remains":
His ship even has "eyes" like WALL-E:
But the movie suddenly turns into "The Matrix" as he finds the "true" world behind the facade -- that there is a whole world of "resistance" members.
Here is Morgan Freeman as "Malcolm Beech" -- Morpheus, basically:
Malcolm will literally provide enlightenment -- the match -- so Jack can really "see" (the "seeing" motif also present in the ship with "eyes.")
Through this process, Jack finds out that the people he's been working for "aren't even human":
We've seen these dead-eyed "human impostors" (of possible alien origin?) in the recent trailer for the movie "The Host":
But there are even suggestions here that Jack's very sense of perception is clouded, faulty -- Matrix-like flashbacks to the NYC of "today":
Spotting "The Girl" who might be the link between the world of reality and that of maya/illusion (note the eyes/lenses imagery again):
and the idea that "Earth Is A Memory..."
Tom Cruise has starred in a number of movies dealing with these issues of memory, perception, and reality, most notably "Vanilla Sky", a remake of a Spanish film whose English title is "Open Your Eyes":
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navigating realms of reality to see the Truth |
He also strongly resonates the symbolism of the Eye and Sight:
Tom Cruise, the symbol of the "American Way Of Life," as integral a symbol of the Glory Days of the United States and baseball and football, is trying to make us see something: