I almost crapped myself when I first saw this "AP" tweet announcing explosions at the White House:
But luckily it turned out to be a hack by the "Syrian Electronic Army."
But not so luckily, the Dow Jones Industrial Average dipped immediately after the tweet:
Is this how easy it is to throw the world into a panic? One hacked tweet?
Call me Tammy Tin Foil Hat, but I really believe some of these online hoaxes (see: Joel Osteen) and hacks are designed to "test" the public -- to gauge their, and perhaps that of media/financial markets as well, reaction to this sort of "breaking news." To gauge the gullibility of the public. Isn't this what happened in Boston last week?
As if perfectly timed, the new "Thor The Dark World" trailer, released today, also features...you guessed it, explosions at the White House:
Luckily, Thor will save us.